IS IT illegal TO get A replica BAG?
hi people so this is a question that I often hear asked by people who are thinking about getting a replica bag and I just wanted to write a quick post on it to clarify it for those who do not know. It is 100% legal to purchase a replica handbag. What is illegal is selling it considering that the seller is knowingly infringing patents and trademarks of the authentic brands. So to clarify as long as you are not planning on setting up a replica shop (which I’m sure 99% of buyers aren’t myself included – imagine all the risk!) you are fine to shop for replica handbags.
Another point often made by people who criticize those who get replica bags are that apparently we are contributing to “terrorism”, “organized crime”, “slave labour” etc. I need to say that these claims are enough to deter a naive individual, but if you know a thing or two about the world we live in you will realize that both replica and authentic items whether they be purses, shoes, or clothing have these negative effects. I remember recently reading an post about the company Zara (who knocks off lots of designer fashion looks and sells them for less, however does so under their own label) who employs individuals in factories where there are a lot of chemicals which lead a lot of the works towards developing some type of a respiratory condition that leads to early health problem and death. The company will not even get $0.06 face masks (yes that is ideal six cents) to stop the inhalation of whatever it is causing the chemicals. I think that if we want to get into the ethics of what we get there is a long list of items we need to cross of our lists in buy to become conscientious buyers and it is quite a long list. I think that the crucial issue with replica is the counterfeiting of trademarks and nothing a lot more or less.
What is a lot more crucial and something you need to worry about a lot more is where you will shop to make sure you a) do not fall for a scam (as we know there are plenty of those on the online world), and b) you get a good replica, and not just any old replica! If you would like you can feel complimentary to browse the blog which is full of reviews submitted by various readers and myself which try to help everyone in the online world navigate the murky waters of replica! Leave a comment below to let everyone know what your favorite brand is and whether you like authentic purses or their replica counterparts!
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